Saisie manuscrite
Le caractère "难" a 10 traits. "难" est l'un des 3500 caractères fréquemment utilisés. Le caractère "难" a 3 prononciations, c'est un caractère polyphonique. Les prononciations de "难" sont "nán" "nàn" "nuó" . Voir l'ordre des traits de "难">>
Le sens de base du caractère chinois "难"
adj.: difficult; hard; hardly possible; bad; unpleasant
v.: corner (sb); put sb in a difficult position; put sb on the spot; blame; rebuke; reprove; reprimand; take to task
n.: adversity; calamity; catastrophe; disaster; misfortune
- difficult : adj.困难的;费劲的;难懂的;艰难的;难对付的;有问题的;难以取悦的;挑剔的
- hard : adj.坚实的;牢固的;坚硬的;猛烈的;沉重的;难以忍受的;困苦的;可靠的;确凿无疑的;真实的;有力的;强烈的;含无机盐的;软腭爆破音
- bad : adj.糟糕的;差的;拙劣的;劣质的;令人不快的;恶劣的;不幸的;邪恶的;道德败坏的;受伤的;生病的;疼痛的;腐烂的;遗憾的;后悔的;难过的;无价值的;伪造的;好的;特棒的
- unpleasant : adj.使人不愉快的;讨厌的;粗鲁的;不友好的;不体谅的
- put sb on the spot : phr.(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪
- blame : v.认为…应该负责;归咎于;责怪;把…归咎于
- rebuke : v.指责;叱责;训斥
- reprove : v.责备;非难
- reprimand : n.训斥;斥责
- adversity : n.困难;不幸
- calamity : n.灾祸;灾难;不幸;祸患;痛苦
- catastrophe : n.大灾难;大灾祸;结局
- disaster : n.灾难;大祸;不幸;不幸事件;灾难片;失败的人
- misfortune : n.不幸;晦气;厄运;灾难;灾祸;不幸事故
Former des mots avec "难"
难燃油 fire-resistant oil
难侍候 be hard to please
难伺候 be hard to please;be hard to please
变得越来越难 become increasingly difficult
临危蹈难 go to one's death fearlessly
被难的渔民 disaster-stricken fishermen
难与为匹 cannot compete with
在家千日好,出外一时难 when at home, you find life easy and comfortable all the time, but when away from home, you may run into difficulties even for a single day
Exemples de phrases avec "难"
It’s difficult to form a judgement if you don’t have all the facts.
Whatever you do, you simply can’t do it to everyone’s satisfaction.
It’s hard to ascertain his opinion from the few words he said.
Having a chance to use our book learning, we regret that it is meagre; having accomplished a task, we begin to appreciate its difficulty.
You may find it hard at the very beginning, but you will get used to it soon.
It is too hard on him undertaking such important duties.
What will happen is anybody’s guess.
Black is hardly distinguishable from deep green when it is dark.
As no one survived the murder, it would be a challenge to track down the murderer.
All the passengers died in the air crash.